Sleeping helps to keep good mood

Sleeping helps to keep good mood

Self-Care Hub , Inner-Self Conversations

Sunshine At CUHK often emphasizes that having a good sleep helps to keep a positive mood. It is not just a slogan. Sufficient and high-quality sleep can help maintain emotional stability. A recent study suggested that the average sleep time for adolescents with depression is 7.5 hours per night, which is less than 8 hours for adolescents without depression or anxiety.

The study also pointed out that poor sleep patterns and poor sleep quality at adolescence might predict the symptoms and diagnosis of depressive and anxiety in early adulthood. This showed that good sleeping quality and sleep habit are crucial to mental wellbeing. This period of staying-at-home may disrupt our original work and rest habits. However, we can still make a schedule for ourselves to maintain a good pace of life.
