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Life is full of ups and downs that may affect our psychological well-being. While encountering unsatisfactory moments in our academic study, interpersonal relationship or career planning, etc., sometimes we might not be able to find a suitable person to talk with…

Mental illness is only one sort of illness

The Korean drama It’s Okay to not be Okay attempts to neutralise the negative perceptions and misconceptions of mental illnesses by telling the stories around the protagonists. In both Hong Kong and Korea, the stereotypical images of people with mental illness are influenced by the media,

We are all Perfectly Imperfect

In the Korean drama It’s Okay to not be Okay different characters suffer from emotional difficulties due to reasons such as painful childhood experiences, loss of a loved one, placing excessively high demand on self and others etc. When we are growing up, a lot of us are encouraged to do better and achieve more and more in different aspects such as study,