How are you coping with heavy workload of midterms and assignments? Hope you all prioritise sleep and rest well! As you may know, we have previously organised the ‘Ataraxy’ IG Challenge to figure out some of your favourite relaxing spots in CUHK. We received an overwhelming response during the collection period, and it’s time for the next exciting phase!

秋高气爽的季节最适合登山郊游,呼吸新鲜空气。中大有晴邀请你参加「木浴山林 2.0」🌄,一起净化心灵。我们将会走出中大山城,跟随森林治疗向导的指引,淋浴于大埔滘自然护理区的山林之中,重新唤醒五感,感受大自然带给我们的力量!如果你错过了我们在去年举行的森林浴活动,或者从未体验过森林浴,就立刻报名啦!

In the midst of midterms, assignments and projects, we would like to introduce you to our IG challenge ‘Ataraxy- Be in your own space’. Through this challenge, we would like to share places in CUHK where students can find genuine tranquillity and calmness. By sharing a photo of your favourite, relaxing and beautiful space in CUHK with an encouraging quote or slogan on the photo, you would have a chance to win a Kindle!
