
[中大有晴] 木浴山林 2.0

[中大有晴] 木浴山林 2.0

秋高氣爽的季節最適合行山郊遊,呼吸新鮮空氣。中大有晴邀請你參加「木浴山林 2.0」🌄,一起淨化心靈。我們將會走出中大山城,跟隨森林治療嚮導的指引,淋浴於大埔滘自然護理區的山林之中,重新喚醒五感,感受大自然帶給我們的力量!如果你錯過了我們在去年舉行的森林浴活動,或者從未體驗過森林浴,就立即報名啦!

‘Ataraxy’ Be in your own space IG Challenge – Voting Period Begins!

‘Ataraxy’ Be in your own space IG Challenge – Voting Period Begins!

How are you coping with heavy workload of midterms and assignments? Hope you all prioritise sleep and rest well! As you may know, we have previously organised the ‘Ataraxy’ IG Challenge to figure out some of your favourite relaxing spots in CUHK. We received an overwhelming response during the collection period, and it’s time for the next exciting phase!

[中大有晴] Mid-term Cheering Day

[中大有晴] Mid-term Cheering Day


Dr Dog Mid-term Cheering Visit (2023年10月)

Dr Dog Mid-term Cheering Visit (2023年10月)

開sem冇幾耐,Mid-term period已經將至🥺同學可能要喺專注學業嘅同時,面對唔同嘅社交環境,建立人際關係。喺種種挑戰和壓力的影響下可能會產生焦慮、不安、擔憂、失望等情緒,令你無所適從。 唔緊要唔緊要!今次Ubuddies 將會同 Animal Asia 一齊舉辦「Dr Dog Mid-term Cheering Visit🐶」